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Stories: Children, Community, Future


Cow bank scheme gives hopes to families
17/11/2020 childfund2020

Cow bank scheme gives hopes to families

Just like many families in Hoa Binh, Vietnam, six-year-old Hiep’s family were trying to survive on little more than a dollar a day. Hiep’s family is one of the poorest in the village, there simply isn’t enough money for school uniforms, health-care or even basics like nutrition food on the table. The second round of…
Credit to boost up farming production

Credit to boost up farming production

Having lived her whole life solely dependent on farming, Xuan, aged 33, in Don Phong commune found ChildFund-support saving and credits scheme invaluable. “Like other farmers in the neighborhood, we…
How sponsorship changed our village

How sponsorship changed our village

Viet was nine years old when ChildFund Vietnam started sponsorship in his small village in Bac Kan province in the country’s northeast. He remembers his parents struggling to grow enough…
Da and her green thumb
17/11/2020 childfund2020

Da and her green thumb

For a long time in history, people living in rural areas have survived on subsistence farming, with little of their produce left over for sale or profit. In addition, outdated and rudimentary farming techniques have put enormous physical demands on every member of the family. ChildFund Vietnam is working in partnership with rural communities to…
Vietnamese player Mai proof that rugby is a game for everyone

Vietnamese player Mai proof that rugby is a game for everyone

Meet Mai, a young player, whose life has been transformed by her introduction to rugby in Vietnam through a ChildFund-supported programme working with community clubs. Mai lives with her grandparents…
Child led hygience activities at school

Child led hygience activities at school

Luc Binh primary school had very poor water and sanitation facilities. When it rained, the chool’s ground quickly became a muddy yard, and classroom floors would become filthy with students…