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Program goal: Children achieve their full potential as learners in safe, inclusive, well-managed schools that are supported by duty bearers, parents and local community members.

Our priorities in Education include:

  • Classroom practice: Continue to prioritise supporting ethnic minorities in promoting local culture and language development including native language and Vietnamese as an instruction language in accordance with the new general education curriculum and Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum. In addition, supporting children with disabilities (CWDs) to be inclusive in classroom/school through capacity building for teachers and accessible school facility improvement for CWDs.
  • School governance and educational leadership: Work on strengthening the capacity of school leaders, especially at semi-boarding schools, on school development plans with a participatory approach in which disability and gender inclusions will be integrated.
  • Education System: Strengthen semi-boarding school system – a specialising school system in ethnic minority areas – through building capacity of district/provincial governments on promoting semi-boarding school policies. Additionally, working with stakeholders at district and provincial levels to promote the implementation of disability inclusive education in preschool and primary school system will be prioritised in the upcoming year.
  • Supportive families and communities: Continue to promote parent and community engagement at schools with the priority focus being given to semiboarding schools, parents with children aged under 3-year-old about early education and families of CWD/support groups.
  • Promoting and piloting Technology for Education: through exploring ways to improving IT capacity of teachers/school managers to adapt to virtual learning activities, online digital resources such as digital libraries/e-books developed by the government and other development organisations.

You can learn more about ChildFund’s Education’s initiatives in the Stories section of our website.

Stories from our program areas

Sex Education? Teens and their teachers are talking about it.

Sex Education? Teens and their teachers are talking about it.

Sex education may not be a subject many students would choose as their favourite, but it is one of the…
Sex Education? Teens and their teachers are talking about it.
Livelihood model creates a better future for children with disability

Livelihood model creates a better future for children with disability

Hao, 8 years old, is the eldest child of a family currently living in Quang Hoa district, Cao Bang province.…
Livelihood model creates a better future for children with disability
Thanh’s dream

Thanh’s dream

“Growing up, I did not ask my parents for much because they have always been working so hard. I also…
Thanh’s dream
Hien’s journey of independence at the semi-boarding school

Hien’s journey of independence at the semi-boarding school

Hien is a Dao ethnic girl born and raised in Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province. Hien’s parents and two…
Hien’s journey of independence at the semi-boarding school
Technology application: A breakthough in child protection

Technology application: A breakthough in child protection

“Every year, the National Child Helpline receives and supports over 500 thousand calls. Despite considerable efforts, the processing of requests,…
Technology application: A breakthough in child protection
Meet Ngoc, a young woman with disability weaving her own dreams in Cao Bang province

Meet Ngoc, a young woman with disability weaving her own dreams in Cao Bang province

When Ngoc was two years old, she got sick with a high fever that led to full-body seizures. Life changed…
Meet Ngoc, a young woman with disability weaving her own dreams in Cao Bang province