A quick chat with Administrative staffs

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Hottest news in November

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“Ruoc Dat Ruoc Nuoc” festival of the Tay people in Bac Kan

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Respecting children’s emotions

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Everytime we enter the office, we are greeted by the bright smiles of Administrative staffs. They are always the ones who take care of us, listen to us, and provide support to all members of the ChildFund family. However, sometimes, these "supporters" themselves also face difficulties and want to be heard and understood. Therefore, this November, let's listen to some stories shared by Administrative staffs of all four offices!

Photo: Ms. Ngan Anh and Ms. Dao at the Annual Staff Meeting 2023

Hello ladies, thank you so much for participating in this month’s newsletter! As we approach the final months of 2023, can you share with us your most memorable moment from the past year with ChildFund?


Ms. Ngan Anh: There are many good memories, but what I remember most are definitely words of love and appreciation from everyone to us “silent warriors”.


Ms. Dao: Last year, my most memorable moment was closing the deal to liquidate the office car for the landlord of Hoa Binh office. I just mentioned the deal jokingly, but he actually agreed to buy it! In addition, the procedures for transferring names and changing owners were completed very quickly, despite everyone thinking it was difficult since the organisation has posted the listing many times with no success. Not only that, but I also successfully persuaded him to equip the office with a brand new set of rolling doors!


Ms. Huyen: My happiest memory of the past year was being able to organise the Annual Staff Meeting in August 2023 with my colleagues in a super short time (within 2 weeks) and with very high efficiency. We received very positive feedbacks and I find the team’s effort very worthwhile.


Photo: Ms. Nga, Administrative Officer of Cao Bang Office

As an Administrative staff, what challenges have you encountered during your work? How did you overcome them?


Ms. Nga: In the past year, Administrative staffs have taken on a number of additional tasks, which requires me to learn new things and organise my time better to be able to complete all tasks. Luckily, I have great colleagues who are always ready to give support, so it became a very exciting experience and I gained many valuable work experience and skills.


Ms. Ngan Anh: The biggest challenge for me is when unexpected events happen and I have to respond quickly. At those times, I have to calmly handle the situation and do my best to get the tasks done.

What about your achievements in the past year? Can you share about the one you are most proud of?


Ms. Dao: I worked hard to become GIÀU (Rich), but no matter how hard I try, I can’t get the U in GIÀU, so what I got was GIÀ (Old) 😁 


Ms. Nga: I have shown appreciation and spreaded joy to my colleagues through birthday cards and farewell videos I created with deep understanding and sincerity ❤️

Photo: Ms. Huyen at the Annual Staff Meeting 2023

Thank you so much for sharing. To close today’s conversation, would you like to send some wishes to all ChildFunders before Christmas and New Year?


Ms. Huyen: This Christmas and New Year 2024, I would like to send my best wishes to all staffs and volunteers of ChildFund. I believe that ChildFund will continue to achieve more and bring children everywhere a brighter future!


Ms. Ngan Anh: I would like to send a wish to all ChildFunders: Even when life gets busy and challenging, I hope you will be able to find peace in your soul and take good care of yourself both physically and mentally!!!


Ms. Nga: Wishing the ChildFund family a Christmas and New Year season filled with good health and success!


Ms. Dao: This holiday season, I would like to wish all ChildFunders and their families good health and much joy. Let’s welcome 2024 with lots of luck, successes, and happiness! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Photo: Members of the Human Resources and Support Services team with the Country Director



ChildFund Vietnam participates in the Photo Exhibition on Achievements of Australian Partner Non-governmental Organisations in Vietnam

News by: Communications team

On 9 November, the exhibition “Development…

On 9 November, the exhibition “Development Achievements of Australian Partner NGOs in Viet Nam” was opened by the Australian Embassy and the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi.
As one of the non-governmental organisations implementing projects in Vietnam with the support of the Australian government and people, ChildFund and 18 other foreign non-governmental organisations have brought to the exhibition hundreds of photos capturing memorable moments and case stories demonstrating the diverse fields and large scale of work of participating organisations.
This exhibition is one of the activities celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Australia and was open to the public from 9 to 16 November 2023. 

ChildFund’s specialist presenting on inclusive education at the Regional Australian Awards Alumni Workshop

News by: Ton Thi Tam – Education Specialist

In early November, ChildFund Vietnam’s Education…

In early November, ChildFund Vietnam’s Education Specialist was selected to participate and present on inclusive education at the Regional Australian Awards Alumni Workshop, held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
At the event, 25 participants from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam have deeply engaged in activities including country presentation, panel discussion, field visit, roundtable reflection, etc. to share experiences and expand professional networks across the region. ChildFund’s Education Specialist has shared useful information about “My Right to Education” – a project to promote disability-inclusive education in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam.

Integrating online safety into secondary school subjects

News by: Hoang Ngoc Linh – Project Officer

In November, with support from ChildFund and the Department of Education and Training of Bac Kan province, secondary schools in Ngan Son district piloted the integration of online safety…

In November, with support from ChildFund and the Department of Education and Training of Bac Kan province, secondary schools in Ngan Son district piloted the integration of online safety curriculum into Civic Education and Informatics lessons for students.
After participating in the first integrated Informatics lesson, S. – a 9th grader from Van Tung Secondary School excitedly shared: “I am very excited because in addition to textbook knowledge, we are also given real life examples, especially ones demonstrating online safety skills. This really helps us to remember what we learn better. I want to continue participating in lessons like this!”.
These lessons will continue to be supported by the Department of Education and Training to ensure quality and effectiveness. After evaluating results in June 2024, if successful, this model will be guided by the Department of Education and Training to be replicated throughout the province.

ChildFund Vietnam participates in the the second ASEAN Information Technology Forum on online child protection

News by: Nguyen Manh Cuong – Project Officer

The forum took place on 23 and 24 November in Bangkok, Thailand. Participating in the event…

The forum took place on 23 and 24 November in Bangkok, Thailand. Participating in the event were more than 260 delegates representing governments, scholars, information technology businesses, United Nations organisations, children, and youth. Together, they discussed solutions and shared knowledge and practices to create a digital environment focused on the best interests of children.
The sharing of Ms. Hanneke Oudkerk, Asia regional director of ChildFund, about interventions in education that the Swipe Safe project is implementing and the initial successes in Vietnam have received attention from many participants working in the education sector in the region. The Swipe Safe platform ( was also introduced as a tool to support the implementation of online safety education for students.

Bringing warmth to children in Cao Bang

News by: Communications team

On 26 November, when the chills of winter began to arrive, nearly 300 warm jackets were gifted to students in particularly difficult circumstances in Le Lai and Kim Dong communes of Thach An district…
On 26 November, when the chills of winter began to arrive, nearly 300 warm jackets were gifted to students in particularly difficult circumstances in Le Lai and Kim Dong communes of Thach An district, Cao Bang province.
Hopefully this meaningful annual gift from the Child Sponsorship Program will accompany the children on every step of their journey, helping them to stay healthy to live and learn effectively!

Opening ceremony of the Na Ri wellness spa

News by: Communications team

In the past month, the Organisation of Persons with Disability (OPD) in Na Ri district, Bac Kan province, and the Community Management Board of the district collaborated to organise the opening ceremony…
In the past month, the Organisation of Persons with Disability (OPD) in Na Ri district, Bac Kan province, and the Community Management Board of the district collaborated to organise the opening ceremony of the Na Ri wellness spa.
The event was attended by representatives from local authorities, the Association for the Support of People with Disability and the Protection of Children’s Rights in the province, along with a large number of members from the OPD.
The establishment of the Na Ri wellness spa model, with initial support for training and equipment costs from the “My right to education” project, holds significant importance in the operation of the OPD. The expected initial stage of the model aims to contribute to generating income, fostering the OPD’s financial self-sufficiency, and in the long term, serving as a platform to create employment opportunities for people with disability. Starting with five initial staff members who were family caregivers directly involved in caring for people with disability, the spa plans to integrate individuals with disability from the local community to provide basic services at the spa after a year of operation.
All post-tax profits from the spa will be directed back to the operational and developmental fund of the OPD, benefiting more than 130 members of the OPD. In the coming time, ChildFund will continue to support the OPD’s leadership with programs focusing on building leadership skills, strengthening financial and operational management capabilities, human resources, and more, enabling the OPD to sustainably advocate for the rights, voices, and participation of people with disability.



On the occasion of International Men’s Day 19 November this year, the men at ChildFund Vietnam were treated with exciting parties filled with laughter and surprises. In Hoa Binh office, the joy was even doubled as both International Men’s Day and Vietnamese Women’s Day were organised together on the same day ❤️

Let’s take a look at the most special moments from our offices through the slideshow below!


Have you ever heard about the “Ruoc Dat Ruoc Nuoc” Festival of the Tay people in Bac Kan province? This is a traditional festival held by the Tay people on the full moon day of January every year to pray to Mother Earth and Mother Water to bless the land with fertility, keep the water source from ever run out, and help the villagers to have a good life.

Right from the early morning, the villagers sent a group of people including a shaman, the  drum, gong, and flute team, and women who are hard-working and have a healthy family life to go up the mountains – where the water is the most pure – to carry the Earth and Water souls down to attend the festival.

The shaman will be the messenger to communicate with the gods and is assigned to be the leader of the group. He will carry the Nem tree – a symbol of fertility – and lead the group to the festival site. After him are the water carriers. Water is stored in two large urns, symbolising the mother and father figure. After that are the earth carriers. The soul of Mother Earth is taken from the top of the sacred mountain. Carriers of offerings for the gods will be the last ones in the line.

When performing the ceremony, the shaman sprays water to cast spells to ward off bad things and keep demons away from the villagers. After the ceremony, the shaman throws corn and rice as gifts from the gods to the villagers. Everyone who attends will try to get at least a few grains of rice or corn to take home for good luck, with hope that their next crops will be bountiful.



During three months of action to celebrate the Respect value, we have discussed respect towards others, towards ourselves, etc. However, as an adult or a parent, have you practiced showing respect for your children? Today, let’s learn how to respect children’s emotions through the sharing of Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha Lan – SEL Technical Officer!

Respecting children’s emotions is very important. When adults respect children’s emotions, children will feel loved and accepted. This will help children to develop healthily both mentally and physically.


November 2023



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