ChildFund Vietnam Ambassadors – Hardworking bees

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Hot news in Jan and Feb

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Special visit from Sarah Hunt, Global Programs Director – Mekong & Grants

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Features you might not know about on Microsoft Teams

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Completing all assigned professional tasks while still spending time to brainstorm ideas and implement meaningful internal activities for everyone in the organisation – members of the ChildFund Vietnam Ambassador team are truly hardworking bees!

Are you curious about their how they come up with ideas, what activities they have organised and if they have any interesting stories behind the scenes? Let’s interview a few members from the team to learn about their experiences!

Joining us are Ms. Nguyen Thi Van – Human Resources and Administration Coordinator, Mr. Tran Van Tu – Project Coordinator, Ms. Bach Ngoc Phuong – Finance Assistant and Mr. Vu Minh Hoang – Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer.

Ambassador team’s Values and Environmental Refeshment Roadmap for 2023 – 2025

      Let’s start with a very important member of the Ambassador group: Ms. Van – the groups’s Coordinator. Can you please introduce about the group and its activities?

      Ms. Van: The ChildFund Ambassador team consists of dynamic and enthusiastic members who are representatives from all departments/offices and know how to “work hard, play hard”. The team was established and introduced in October 2023 with the following responsibilities:

  • Organise general organisational events such as Retreat, Family Day, Annual Meeting, etc.
  • Organise sharing sessions to refresh on the organisation’s values
  • Promote good practices to incorporate those values into everyone’s work and daily life, create good habits to protect our environment

I believe that the Ambassador team will not only lead in activities but also plays a role in supporting all colleagues to better understand our values and how to apply those values into their work. This helps to create a positive work environment where each individual feels responsible for promoting and implementing organisational values. From November until now, there have been two topics implemented by two groups of Ambassadors:

  1. Respect + Save electricity
  2. Integrity + Reducing plastic waste

Exciting activities were organised and were very well received by everyone. Please stay tuned and participate enthusiastically in the group’s upcoming activities!

Mr. Tu is one of the members of the first Ambassador group to launch the action month on Respect and Saving electricity. Can you please share about the activities you implemented with the group? How do you feel about the results achieved after three months?

Mr. Tu: In the beginning of the three action months, I proactively contacted members of my Ambassador team and worked with everyone to come up with rules and details for our activities. To encourage everyone to post their own stories about Respect and Saving electricity on Padlet, I posted the first story and received lots of likes and comments from all offices.

In the following days, I and the Ambassador members regularly contacted and encouraged staff groups to participate. My group leader – Ms. Thuy made sure all members had weekly posts. Every time a member posts, they will share and other members will read and comment to score points for the group. We also read other groups’ posts and click “like” to show respect.

The Ambassador team and I are extremely pleased with the results achieved after three months. My group actually got first place and I received a very valuable gift – the book “55 Ways to Respect Others”! I gave this gift to my two sons, they really like it and are reading it, sometimes they even ask me about a few things they have read from the book.

As a member of the second group of  Ambassadors to launch the action months on Integrity and Reducing plastic waste, Ms. Phuong has learned and shared a few lessons with her members after observing the first group. Ms. Phuong, can you talk about your experience working with the Ambassador group?

Ms. Phuong: Thanks to the first group, I have a clearer picture of what my group needs to do to. I also learned how to use Padlet from them and have applied it to my group’s activities.

The group’s idea was incubated and born during a time when all members were very busy with work, so we chose to work very flexibly. Any member with a new idea will immediately message the group, then a meeting will be arranged for everyone to assemble a complete plan.

My team members are all very open so I feel like my ideas are always listened to. I am also impressed by their “out of the box” creativity when we try to brainstorm ideas. An idea was finally selected, which is to encourage everyone to use any used and available materials to create a tree/board representing actions of Integrity and Reducing plastic waste.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 142742

Interesting stories posted on Padlet

As the newest and youngest member in the organisation, how does it feel to be entrusted as one of the team leaders participating in the Ambassador’s activities, Mr. Hoang? What expectations do you have for the Ambassador’s activities in the future?

Mr. Hoang: Honestly, I find it both strange and fun. What’s strange is that this is the first time I’ve participated in internal activities since I started working. As for the fun, it also comes from these activities. When participating, I get to not only play but also receive gifts! 😊

What I found most impressive was the activity of sharing stories about Respect and Saving electricity from the previous quarter. Through this activity, I have read so many unique stories. For more details, please visit Padlet to read, since it’s impossible for me to list all of them here 😜

During this time, everyone is busy with work so they cannot participate to the fullest. I hope the Ambassador group will add many new activities to encourage everyone’s participation. This is a chance for everyone to not only refresh on the organisation’s values but also relieve stress after busy days.


One of the products made by ChildFunders from recycled materials



Capacity building for local facilities of the Association for the Protection of Child Rights (VACR)

News by: Nguyen Thi Minh An – National Project & Advocacy Coordinator

In Hanoi, the Vietnam Association for the Protection…

In Hanoi, the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Child Rights (VACR) cooperated with ChildFund Vietnam to organise a capacity building training course for local facilities of the Association. The course focuses on building a plan to implement the strategic goals on child protection in the period 2023 – 2028 and evaluating and monitoring the implementation of the strategy in 2024.
Participating in the training were 35 delegates from local Association facilities, branches, and affiliated centres in provinces/cities such as Hanoi, Hung Yen, Bac Giang, Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Hai Phong, Quang Nam, etc. In addition to learning about the strategic plan, vision, and values of the Association, participants also exchanged experiences and practiced building the 5-year and annual plans to achieve the Association’s strategic goals on child protection.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha – a representative from VACR in Thua Thien Hue province shared: “This is the first time I participated in such training and I found it very useful. I have had practical experience, however, through this course, I have learned many things from my colleagues to perform better. I hope there will be more capacity building courses so that we can all accomplish the Association’s goals and activities well”.

Training course on social and emotional learning (SEL) for teachers in Hoa Binh province

News by: Ung Thi Hien – Project Officer

The project “Health and wellbeing for students” recently organised two training courses on SEL…

The project “Health and wellbeing for students” recently organised two training courses on SEL for 65 teachers from seven secondary schools including Ngo Luong, Quyet Chien, Phu Vinh, Phu Cuong, Ngoc My, Trung Hoa, and Ngoi Hoa.
The teachers were provided with knowledge about five core competencies of SEL, implementing SEL with students, understanding and practicing emotional regulation, nurturing positive relationships with students, listening and implementing recovery discipline, and establishing balance for themselves. Through training, participants have understood the importance of SEL and can apply SEL in daily teaching, creating a happy and safe learning environment for both teachers and students.

ChildFund Vietnam supports to organise training on Case Management Software in Cao Bang province

News by: Nong Hong Hanh – Social Work Officer

On 11 and 12 January, within the framework of the project “Improving child protection system effectiveness”, ChildFund Vietnam coordinated with the Department of Child Affairs and then the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Cao Bang province to organise two activities: “Training on case management software” and “Summary of activities on enhancing child protection mechanisms and referral services connection”.
At the training, 50 participants including child protection workers, social labour officials and representatives of officials in charge of child protection and care at commune, district, and city levels in and outside of the project area have improved their skills in using technology to streamline the case management process and provide better support services to the community.
At the “Summary of activities on enhancing child protection mechanisms and referral services connection” event, more than 80 members in the project area of 03 provinces of Cao Bang, Bac Kan, and Hoa Binh have come together to discuss the current referral process, identify successes and challenges, and provide suggestions to optimise the link between support services.
Through these activities, ChildFund Vietnam has and will continue to work with partners to build a safe environment so that all children can develop comprehensively.

“Extended training to Promote language development for ethnic minority children through play” for teachers in Hoa Binh province

News by: Dinh Thi Thu Ha – Project Officer

At the end of December and early January, the “Extended training to promote language development…

At the end of December and early January, the “Extended training to promote language development for ethnic minority children through play” courses were organised by the project “Ready for Primary School” for more than 80 core primary school teachers and representatives from the Department of Education & Training in Hoa Binh province.
After participating in the training, members have been able to identify methods/techniques to apply Learning through Play to plan lessons for students, develop new ideas, and provide professional trainings for other teachers at their school/district.

Extracurricular event “Caring for and protecting children, children with disability, and children in extremely difficult circumstances”

News by: Tran Van Tu – Project Coordinator

On 23 January, ChildFund’s Education, Child Protection, and Online Safety projects coordinated with Cuoi Ha…

On 23 January, ChildFund’s Education, Child Protection, and Online Safety projects coordinated with Cuoi Ha commune Primary and Secondary School, the Child Protection Committee, and the Community Learning Centre of Cuoi Ha commune to organise the extracurricular event “Caring for and protecting children, children with disability, and children in extremely difficult circumstances”.
Participating in this event, 70 teachers, 300 parents/caregivers and 1,300 children, including 31 children with disability have participated in activities such as joining a panel discussion with parents/caregivers of children with disability, listening to the sharing of the core group of children in Cuoi Ha commune on preventing child abuse and child online safety, visiting an exhibition on children’s rights and child protection, playing a “Wheel of Fortune” game on the topic of child protection, etc.

Workshop “Launching the implementation of the model Hospital with Excellent Breastfeeding Practice”

News by: Luc Huy Chung – Project Officer

On 24 January, the workshop “Launching the implementation of the model ‘Hospital with Excellent Breastfeeding…

On 24 January, the workshop “Launching the implementation of the model ‘Hospital with Excellent Breastfeeding Practice” was organised by the Bac Kan province Department of Health with the participation of 55 delegates from the Department of Health, Provincial General Hospital, Provincial Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and medical centres of districts including Ngan Son.
The “Hospital with Excellent Breastfeeding Practice” model was first guided by the Ministry of Health. Until now, 82 hospitals nationwide have registered to practice this model, and 34 hospitals have been granted the title.
In Bac Kan province, with support from the project “The first 1,000 days for bright future”, the Provincial Department of Health has instructed Ngan Son District Health Centre to coordinate with ChildFund and the CDC to implement the model. If successful, the Bac Kan province Department of Health will share and replicate this model to all hospitals and health centres throughout the province.



At the end of February, ChildFund Hanoi office had the opportunity to welcome Ms. Sarah Hunt, Global Programs Director – Mekong & Grants. During four working days, Ms. Sarah had many fruitful meetings and discussions with the Program team and Senior Management Team (SMT). In addition, she also provided useful suggestions to support Program team in developing the EU call fundraising proposal.


Let’s take a look at some photos from her memorable trip below!


Smoked sausages have long been a familiar dish in the daily meals and New Year feasts of Cao Bang people. Try it once and you won’t be able to forget the special flavor of this dish!

The Cao Bang smoked sausage casing is made from pig’s small intestine which is cleaned with salt, vinegar and marinated with white wine. The meat used for the filling must be half-lean, half-fat pork shoulder to make the sausages tender and delicious. After being chopped, the meat is marinated with local spices such as mountain ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, etc.

Bamboo poles will be propped up to dry the sausages in the sun. When the sausages are dry, people will hang them in the kitchen to smoke. Sugarcane is often used when smoking to give the sausages a rich aroma and a golden color like honey. The warmth from the stove will make the sausages firm up, allowing them to be stored for a long time.

Don’t forget to enjoy this dish on your next visit to Cao Bang!




We use Microsoft Teams almost every day, but are you sure you know all the useful features of this application? In this issue, we will tell you about four simple features that you can start using today!

There are many shortcuts in Teams we can take advantage of to save time. Let’s get acquainted and practice with a few simple shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + M – Turn your microphone on/off
  • Ctrl + Shift + O – Turn your camera on/off
  • Ctrl + N – Start a new conversation
  • Ctrl + O – Select and attach a file to the conversation
  • Ctrl + shift + E – Share your screen

You want everyone to read an important message in the chat, but are afraid that people’s chatting will make the message move up and become hard to find later? Use the message pinning feature by hovering over the message you want to pin, then click on the three dots that appear above the message and select “Pin”. Pinned messages will always appear at the top of the chat window and can be seen by everyone in the chat.

To unpin a message, tap the three-dot icon to the right of the currently pinned message, then select “Unpin.”

In case you need to have a video call outside of the office such as home or at another location, you can choose to blur your background to avoid distracting other people.

To do this, during the meeting, tap the down arrow to the right of the “Camera” icon. In the drop down menu, look down at the “Backgrounds” section and select “Standard blur” to blur the background.

To stay undisturbed on Teams when you are busy, or to notify other colleagues that you are out/ready to chat, try changing your status. To do this the easiest way, you can use the search bar at the top of the Teams window.

In the “Search” section, type the following commands:

/away – Change the status to yellow, indicating that you are away from your desk and will return soon.
/busy – Change the status to redindicating that you are busy and don’t want to be disturbed. When you join a meeting on Teams, your status will automatically change to red and will return to its original state when the meeting ends.
/available – Change the status to greenindicating that you are ready to chat.


January and February 2024


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