Modern men make homes, why not? 

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Handing over a microfinance project

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Celebrating Vietnamese Women’s Day

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Quizzes about the most famous Vietnamese women

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On the occasion of Vietnamese Women’s Day, the men, who are usually characterised as reticent, open up about their love and appreciation towards all the the women they love. Let’s find out what the men of ChildFund Vietnam will be sharing revolving around their beloved women through today’s chat!

Bui Xuan Hoe

Technical Project Officer  – Bac Kan Office

Duong Hong Linh

Business Development Manager – Hanoi Office

Do Duong Hien

Online Safety Specialist – Hanoi Office

Hoe and his beloved family

Hello, thank you for joining us in the Together Newsletter. To begin with, I would like to refer to a famous English quote that is “Men make houses, women make homes”. What do you guys think about this statement? 

Hoe (Bac Kan Office): In my opinion, the quote “men make houses, women make homes” bears no relevance to contemporary society. It is conceivable that physical strength (due to biological structure) only makes men more suitable for laborious work. It does not determine whether they will be the breadwinners or have exclusive decision-making abilities 😃

Linh (Hanoi Office): I think this is a meaningful quote; however, people may have various ideas about what it means. The main message from this quote to me is the cooperation of both husbands and wives can build up a happy family.

Hien (Hanoi Office): From my point of view, I think this statement contains some gender-based prejudices. The responsibility of building a house or a home should not be placed solely on anyone; instead, they require joint effort. If one spouse only “builds” homes or houses without the participation of the other, it will inevitably lead to conflicts.

Thanks, everyone. So in your own family, are you confident that you have a deep understanding of your beloved women?

Hoe (Bac Kan Office): It sounds a bit confident, but I’m pretty sure I deeply understand all women in my family 😃. Sometimes they don’t need to act, but I have somewhat guessed what they will be doing 😃.

Linh (Hanoi Office): I am not confident 😃. This is because each individual will always changes in their thinking or personal perspectives over time. I feel that to understand all the women whom we love is a process of constantly learning about them. The important thing is that we need to make efforts and persevere with the process, along with adapting to their changes. We should consider it a motivation for both sides to strive for self-improvement. 😄

Hien (Hanoi Office): I am also unconfident 😄. Even though I have close relationships with them, I still feel that there are still facets that I do not fully understand. I hope that in the future, I and many other men will soon become more confident in understanding our women. 😄

In your daily life, what do you usually do to lend a helping hand to your women?

Hoe (Bac Kan Office): I’m usually the first member who wakes up in the morning and the last one going to bed. I never think that household chores such as cleaning, cooking, or doing laundry are obligatory for my wife. I also teach my son how to cook and do gardening. Whenever I have time, I am willing to do these things. I think saying that “to lend a helping hand to women” is not very appropriate, because inherently these are not things that women are obligated to do 😃.

Linh (Hanoi Office): I also think that sometimes it is important to share the duties, not necessarily to divide the work. For example, if I prepare dinner, my wife will be willing to do the washing up. Whenever my wife feels tired, I can volunteer to do all the housework. We can find joy in helping and taking care of the people whom we love the most, won’t we?

Two of the most important women of Linh: his wife and his daughter

Hien (Hanoi Office): As for this question, I think there will be no standards at all. Sometimes it mainly depends on a man’s intuition. We as men need to know when and what will we do to assist our women in daily activities.  

Hien and his beloved family

Before saying goodbye, can you send a wish on the occasion of Vietnamese’s Women Day to all the women of ChildFund Vietnam? 

Hoe (Bac Kan Office): Indeed, women are extremely important in everyday life. The love and respect from women are the greatest motivation for men to strive. Not only on Vietnamese Women’s Day, but I also hope that all the women of ChildFund Vietnam will always be surrounded by the love of their beloved ones every day.

Linh (Hanoi Office): All of my above sharing is somewhat “theoretical”. Indeed, there are times in my life when things are not going well, and I myself have difficulty sorting out my own thoughts, let alone understanding other people. Therefore, it is not easy to always ensure a harmonious relationship with our beloved women. I hope that all the women of ChildFund Vietnam will always be happy and be able to overcome all difficulties.

Hien (Hanoi Office): Perhaps allow me to send a very brief message to all ChildFund Vietnam’s women. I wish all the women of ChildFund Vietname a well-built house and a happy home.

Thank you for your sharing!


vi mô

Handing over a microfinance project worth more than 12 billion VND to local partners

News by: Ha Thi Dao – Administrative Officer

ChildFund Vietnam handing over a microfinance project worth more than 12 billion VND to local partners….

On 28 October, Hoa Binh City and Cao Phong District People’s Committees cooperated with ChildFund Vietnam to organise the Handover Ceremony of the Microfinance Project in Ky Son and Cao Phong districts. Attending the event were representatives from the Department of Planning and Investment of Hoa Binh province, the State Bank of Hoa Binh province, the Women’s Union from 12 communes implementing the project.
The project started in 2017 and by the end of 30 September 2022, 4.9 billion VND has been handed over to Hoa Binh City People’s Committee, 7.3 billion VND to Cao Phong District People’s Committee. The project has enabled nearly 2,000 female members to get loans for production and business development, building and replicating economic development models, and expanding the scale of production.
During operation, the two funds have been closely supervised by ChildFund Vietnam and the State Bank of Hoa Binh province through periodic inspections to ensure efficiency and transparency.

Training courses on “Adolescent reproductive health, sexual health and hygiene” 

News by: Luc Huy Chung – Project Officer

From 21-26 October 2022, two training courses on “Adolescent reproductive health, sexual health & hygiene”..

From 21-26 October 2022, two training courses on “Adolescent reproductive health, sexual health and hygiene” were held for 45 officers and teachers of project schools in Thach An and Ngan Son districts, Bac Kan province.

Within the framework of the project “Safe and Supportive Semi-boarding Schools for students”, the trainings have equipped participants with basic knowledge on reproductive health, changes in children’s psychophysiology throughout puberty, adolescent relationships and sex, etc.

With an open mind on such issues, school officers and teachers will create a friendlier environment for students, helping them to confidently share about their health in the future. 


A study tour to Yen Bai Province with delegations & school representatives 

News by: Hoang Van Hung – Project Coordinator

On 3 October, the delegation from the Department of Education and Training of Ngan Son district…

On 3 October, the delegation from the Department of Education and Training of Ngan Son district and representatives of schools under the project “Safe and Supportive Semi-boarding Schools for students” had a study tour to Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai Province.

During the visit, the delegation had a meeting with the Department of Education and Training of Mu Cang Chai district, along with taking a trip to Mo De Primary & Secondary Semi-boarding School and Cao Pha Primary Semi-boarding School.

The delegation was impressed by enormous efforts made by local schools, authorities, families and the whole community in order to operate the model of semi-boarding schools with the attendance of nearly 100% of students and enhanced education quality. 

Existing models of happy rooms and dream libraries in Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province are expected to be applied soon in semi-boarding schools in Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province.

Special thanks go to the Ethnic Minority Education Department, the Department of Education and Training of Yen Bai Province, the Department of Education and Training of Mu Cang Chai district for their great support and all the school leaders and teachers of Mo De Primary & Secondary Semi-boarding School and Cao Pha Primary Semi-boarding School for their warm welcome and support.


The contest “Communication about gender knowledge”. 

News by: Luc Van Viet – Project Officer

On 15 October, the project “Improved resilience of ethnic minority communities in Cao Bang, Vietnam” and the Women’s Union of Trung Khanh….

On 15 October, the project “Improved resilience of ethnic minority communities in Cao Bang, Vietnam” and the Women’s Union of Trung Khanh organised the contest “Communication about gender knowledge”. 
The contest was held at Quang Vinh-Luu Ngoc semi-boarding school for ethnic minorities with the participation of 160 people in the project area. They were divided into 4 teams representing 4 communes, including 70 adults and 90 students. 
The contest has equipped participants with knowledge about gender equality as well as the effects of gender inequality in the community. All the knowledge was delivered in various formats, including drama plays or songs, etc. 

A training course on “Social-emotional skills”

News by: Lo Thi Thuy Dung – Project Officer

From 27-28 Oct 2022 in Bac Kan city, a training course on “Social-emotional skills” within the project “Safe and Supportive Semi-boarding Schools for students”.

From 27-28 Oct 2022 in Bac Kan city, a training course on “Social-emotional skills” within the project “Safe and Supportive Semi-boarding Schools for students” was organised for 16 facilitators who are officers and teachers of project schools in Thach An district, Cao Bang province and Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province.
During the two days of training, the facilitators have acquired knowledge on effective teaching methods, implemented model lectures, and gave feedbacks on the lectures. This is an important activity to prepare them for organising social and emotional skills training activities for students in the near future. 

The representatives of ChildFund Cambodia paid a visit to Vietnam

News by: Nguyen Manh Cuong – Project Officer

Following the successes of the phase 1 (2017-2020), the Online Safety project (Swipe Safe) has continued to be implemented in phase 2 and replicated to…..

Following the successes of the phase 1 (2017-2020), the Online Safety project (Swipe Safe) has continued to be implemented in phase 2 and replicated to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Indonesia.
In October, the representatives from ChildFund Cambodia paid a visit to Vietnam to explore more about the Swipe Safe project model in Hoa Binh province. After discussing with local partners from the Department of Education and Training, Youth Union and local schools and participating in various project activities like integrated IT training sessions at school and community communications, Mr. Hok Eng, Child Protection Specialist shared that he and his colleagues have gained a lot of valuable experience to help ChildFund Cambodia choose the best way to implement the project.
ChildFund Cambodia representatives also shared their experiences and contributed ideas to increase the effectiveness of the Child Protection project in Vietnam.



Vietnamese Women’s Day is always a special occasion for everyone to express their love and appreciation towards the women around them. These kind gestures can be as simple as wishes, some fresh flowers, or small gifts. In such an exhilarating atmosphere welcoming this special day, ChildFund members had small yet cozy parties to congratulate all the women of ChildFund Vienam.


In comparison with other types of vermicelli, Na Ri vermicelli originating in Bac Kan province is produced 100% from canna plants. The canna plant is a short-term food crop grown in many mountainous areas. It can be recognised by its red flowers, red bulbs with many large roots growing around.

Na Ri vermicelli is produced and processed according to a strict process from input material selection to the refining process, all of which are guaranteed for food safety and hygiene. From the raw material of the canna plant which undergoes a long process with many stages such as preparation, crushing, filtering, pressing, drying, slicing, etc., Na Ri vermicelli can be fried, boiled or selected as an ingredient in dishes such as spring rolls, salads, etc.


In the celebration of Vietnamese Women’s Day, let’s join us to do a quiz about the most outstanding women throughout the history of Vietnam! Let’s get started!!!

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Tháng 10/2022


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